
Jan. 26, 2023

Romans 7: Saved or Unsaved? Pt 3

We continue to listen to a discussion about Romans 7 and if Paul was speaking of himself as being saved or unsaved Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Bib…
Jan. 25, 2023

Andy Stanley on Homosexuality

We look at a controversy about Andy Stanley
Jan. 25, 2023

90 Seconds to Midnight

Today's Focus is the recent doomsday clock announcement
Jan. 25, 2023

Romans 7: Saved or Unsaved? Pt 2

We continue to listen to a discussion about Romans 7 and if Paul was speaking of himself as being saved or unsaved Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Bib…
Jan. 24, 2023

Romans 7: Saved or Unsaved? Pt 1

A look at Romans 7 and a discussion about if it speaks of Paul before or after salvation
Jan. 24, 2023

Spirituality in 2023

Look at a recent news article about spirituality in 2023 Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news com…
Jan. 24, 2023

1954 Meet 2023 Pt 4

We continue to look at 7 points that were written in 1954 Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news c…
Jan. 24, 2023

Immaculate Conception Confusion

Why are people confused about the immaculate conception? Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news co…
Jan. 24, 2023

Bible Study Exercise: Discernment Pt 8

We continue our study of discernment Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news commentary from a Chr…
Jan. 23, 2023

Preaching John 1

How should we preach John chapter 1? Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news commentary from a Chris…
Jan. 23, 2023

1954 Meet 2023 Pt 3

We continue our look at 7 points written in 1954
Jan. 23, 2023

Law and Gospel: Baptism Pt 2

We continue to look at baptism and how it relates to law and gospel
Jan. 22, 2023

Bible Study Exercise: Discernment Pt 7

We continue our look at discernment
Jan. 22, 2023

Law and Gospel and Baptism

A look at law and gospel in relation to baptism
Jan. 21, 2023

Bible Study Exercise: Discernment Pt 6

We continue our study of discernment Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news commentary from a Chris…
Jan. 21, 2023

1954 Meet 2023 Pt 2

We continue our look at 7 points written in 1954
Jan. 20, 2023

Baptism In The Early Church Pt 1

We look at an article on baptism
Jan. 20, 2023

How Pastors Buy Sermons Pt 4

We continue to look at how pastors buy their sermons
Jan. 20, 2023

1954 Meet 2023 Pt 1

We look at 7 points that were written in 1954
Jan. 20, 2023

The Chosen Replaces the Bible

How the Chosen TV show ends up in the pulpit Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies to news commentary from…
Jan. 19, 2023

How Pastors Buy Sermons Pt 3

We continue to look at the practice of pastors buying their sermons Theology Central Podcast: Taking a deep dive into all things theology, we look at various topics from a Biblical perspective. From hands-on Bible studies…
Jan. 19, 2023

Bible Reading and Law and Gospel

A look at bible reading from a law gospel perspective
Jan. 19, 2023

Understanding Law and Gospel Pt 51

We continue our study of Law and Gospel
Jan. 18, 2023

How Pastors Buy Sermons Pt 2

We continue our look into how pastors buy there sermons