
Sept. 18, 2023

Bible Pop Quiz: 9/18/23

Grab a notebook, pencil, and bible for today’s bible pop quiz.
Sept. 18, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 10

We continue our journey through the 1917 Scofield Study Bible
Sept. 17, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 9

We continue our journey through the1917 Scofield Study Bible
Sept. 17, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 8

We continue our journey through the1917 Scofield Study Bible
Sept. 17, 2023

Early and Latter Rain

A look at an article about Jeremiah 3:1-3
Sept. 16, 2023

Lukewarm Christians

How should we understand Revelation 3:14-22
Sept. 16, 2023

Bible Pop Quiz: 9/16/23

Time for a bible pop quiz, have your notebook and pencil ready!
Sept. 16, 2023

Bob Jones University a Cult?

Is Bob Jones University a Cult?
Sept. 16, 2023

Set Apart Pt 11

We continue our study of the doctrine of sanctification
Sept. 15, 2023

Law and Gospel Redo Pt 28

We continue our study of the proper distinction between law and gospel
Sept. 15, 2023

Introducing the Bible Quiz Podcast

Introducing a new podcast that offers up bible quizzes for everyone
Sept. 15, 2023

Vain Cleaning

A devotional study of Psalm. 73:13
Sept. 14, 2023

Love vs Charity?

Is there a distinction to be made between the words love and charity in the Bible?
Sept. 14, 2023

Three Facts About Tomorrow

A devotional challenge to find the scriptures that support three facts about tomorrow
Sept. 14, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 7

We contunue our journey through the Scofield study bible
Sept. 13, 2023

Christian Life In a Nutshell

Can the Christian life be reduced down to just a few simple principles?
Sept. 12, 2023

Set Apart Pt 10

We continue our work on the doctrine of sanctification
Sept. 12, 2023

Law and Gospel Redo Pt 26

We continue our work on the proper distinction of law and gospel
Sept. 12, 2023

Morocco Earthquake and Psalm 107

A look at praise in tragedy
Sept. 12, 2023

Church Marketing

A Discussion about a church billboard
Sept. 11, 2023

Scofield Interpretation Principles PDF

A PDF that outlines the hermeneutical principles taken from the 1917 Scofield study bible
Sept. 10, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 6

We continue our journsy thrlough the 1917 Scofield study bible
Sept. 10, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 5

We continue our journey through the 1917 edition of the Scofield study bible
Sept. 9, 2023

The Lord is There

A devotional message on Ezekiel 48:35