
Oct. 13, 2023

Bible Pop Quiz: 10/13/23

Grab your notebook, pencil, and bible for today’s Bible Pop Quiz
Oct. 12, 2023

Israel and Gaza

I review a recent sermon about Israel and Gaza
Oct. 12, 2023

Israel at War: Blame Christianity?

Is the war in Israel partially the fault of Christianity?
Oct. 12, 2023

Tabernacle: Perpetual Parentheses Pt 4

We continue our work on the why and how of the Tabernacle
Oct. 10, 2023

Abraham: Fear and Doubt

When we think of Abraham we think of faith, but what about fear and doubt?
Oct. 10, 2023

Attributes of A Christian

What should be some common attributes of a Christian?
Oct. 9, 2023

Tabernacle: Perpetual Parentheses Pt 3

We continue our discussion about the why and how of the Tabernacle.
Oct. 8, 2023

Israel at War: 10/8/23

An update for the current situation in Israel
Oct. 8, 2023

Tabernacle: Perpetual Parentheses Pt 2

We consider the why snd the how for the Tabernacle
Oct. 8, 2023

The Tabernacle: Perpetual Parentheses Pt 1

We consider the why and how for the tabernacle
Oct. 7, 2023

Israel Is At War

Breaking News: Israel is at war, 198 killed
Oct. 6, 2023

One Point Preaching

A look at preaching and sermons.
Oct. 6, 2023

Coffee During Worship

Should we drink coffee during worship?
Oct. 5, 2023

Micah the Idolater

We spend some time in Judges for a sermon review
Oct. 5, 2023

The Tabernacle: Typology Pt 2

We continue our study of the Tabernacle
Oct. 4, 2023

AI Church Takeover

A look at how AI took over a church
Oct. 3, 2023


A devotional look at the subject of Negligence
Oct. 3, 2023

The Cost of Podcasting Upodate

The final update about the cost of podcasting and how I plan to move forward
Oct. 2, 2023

Dispensationalism: Pt 16

We conclude our look at the theological system of Dispensationalism
Oct. 1, 2023

The Tabernacle: Typology

We begin our in-depth study of the Tabernacle by looking at the topic of typology
Oct. 1, 2023

Dispensationalism Pt 15

We continue our journey through the 1917 Scofield Study Bible.
Oct. 1, 2023

God Remembers

Some Late night thoughts on Genesis 8:!
Sept. 30, 2023

Law and Gospel Redo Pt 32

We continue our work on the proper distinction between law and gospel
Sept. 30, 2023

Why Do You Serve Christ?

Today’s Focus is John 6:22-51