
May 19, 2019

Romans 1:1 Pt 2

We continue our look of 4 identifiers Paul uses of himself in Romans 1:1
May 19, 2019

Canons of Dort: Historic Background Pt 2

We continue our historic overview of the canons of Dort
May 19, 2019

The universe may be a billion years younger than we thought.

A look at a recent news article
May 17, 2019

Preparation Work: Romans 1:3-4

I challenge everyone to prepare for Sunday by looking at Romans 1:3-4
May 14, 2019

2 Psalms; 4 Interpretations

A devotional study of Psalm 24 and Psalm 15
May 13, 2019

How We Should Offer our Spiritual Sacrifices

Devotional Study of 1 Peter 2:1-5 and Psalm 51:17
May 13, 2019

The Stock Market and The Scriptures

A devotional study looking at the news reports about the stock market plunging over 700 points. I look at the report and Psalm 46:1-5 and Psalm 20:7
May 13, 2019

They Forgot God

A early morning devotional study of Psalm 106:21-25
May 12, 2019

Problems with the "Literal" Adam

Was the biblical Adam a real person? Should we understand him simply as a symbol? I look at a recent news article about this issue.  Get more content on the VBC66 app for apple and android devices.
May 12, 2019

Canons of Dort: Historic Background Pt 2

We begin our study of the canons of Dort.
May 12, 2019

Abortion in Scripture?

I look at an article that claims: “even in the scripture a prescribed miscarriage or abortion is used as a remedy to an unwanted pregnancy. “
May 12, 2019

Romans 1:1 Pt 1

We begin our verse-by-verse study of Romans by looking at Romans 1:1 and four ways Paul Identifies himself. Get more content by getting the VBC66 app for apple and android devices
May 12, 2019

Canons of Dort: Historic Background Pt 1

We begin our study of the canons of Dort. For more content get the VBC66 app for app and android devices