
April 25, 2020

Jesus and Discipleship Pt 2

We listen to a recent episode of the Discover the Word podcast about discipleship
April 24, 2020

Jesus and Discipleship Pt 1

In Christian books and on Christian teaching programs, you see this word tossed around a lot: “discipleship.” But what exactly does it mean to “disciple someone,” or “to be discipled”?
April 24, 2020

Covid-19 Pandemic and the Food Supply

How the covid-19 pandemic could impact food supplies around the world
April 22, 2020

Another Look at Bible Study

We listen to an episode from a different podcast on how to study the Bible.
April 21, 2020

Observe What the Text is Actually Saying

A look at the observation step of bible study
April 21, 2020

Is the Mark of the Beast Here?

A look at recent news and its possible connection to Revelation 13:16-18
April 21, 2020

Sowing and Reaping

a devotional study on the concept of sowing and reaping
April 19, 2020

Catechisis During a Pandemic Pt 18

10 Errors about Sanctification
April 19, 2020

Unpacking Principles and Finding Meaning

We continue our review of the How to Study the Bible podcast
April 19, 2020

Catechisis During a Pandemic Pt 17

We continue our look at 5 latin words
April 19, 2020

Covid-19, Church, and Money

A look at a news story about a pastor and money during the covid-19 pandemic
April 19, 2020

Are Your Words Causing Others to Stumble?

How are your words impacting other people?
April 18, 2020

Digging Deeper - What’s the Backstory?

examining another episode of the How to Study the Bible podcast
April 18, 2020

Zondervan Publishing Quran with Christian Commentary

A look at a new version of the Quran with Christian commentary
April 17, 2020

The Basics of Bible Study

I play and discuss an episode of a podcast dedicated to bible study
April 17, 2020

To Open or Not To Open

When should edverything open in light of the covid-19 pandemic
April 15, 2020

Catechisis During a Pandemic Pt 16

We continue our look at 5 latin words
April 15, 2020

The Lord's Supper During a Pandemic

How should we take the Lord's Supper during the covid-19 pandemic?
April 15, 2020

Three Common Obstacles to Understanding the Bible

I play the first episode of a new podcast about How to Study the Bible
April 14, 2020

Covid-19, Chinese Laboratory, and Conspiracy Theories

Something is spreading faster than covid-19, it is conspiracy theories and misinformation
April 12, 2020

Catechisis During a Pandemic Pt 15

We continue our look at 5 Latin Words
April 12, 2020

Empty Pews, Empty Collection Baskets

A look at the church and the economic impact of the covid-19 pan demic
April 12, 2020

Jesus Barabbas or Jesus Christ

Was the first name of Barabbas, Jesus? A study of a textual variant and its possible implications
April 11, 2020

Christian Radio and the Covid-19 Pandemic Pt 2

We lost power and was knocked off the air. This is conclusion of what we started in Pt 1