
June 27, 2021

Sermons are a Waste of Everyone's Time

The cost benefit analysis of preaching doesn't add up
June 27, 2021

Message to the Recovering from NAR Facebook Group

A message to the recovering from the New Apostolic Reformation Facebook Group
June 25, 2021

Spiritual Benefits From Physical Sickness Pt 2

We continue our study of the book, Imitation of Christ
June 25, 2021

Bethel Church and Kenotic Theology Pt 3

We continue our look at Kenotic Theology
June 24, 2021

Bethel Church and Kenotic Theology Pt 2

I try to respond to an email about christology and kenotic theology
June 24, 2021

Bethel Church and Kenotic Theology Pt 2

I try to respond to an email about christology and kenotic theology
June 23, 2021

Bethel Church and Kenotic Theology Pt 1

I try to respond to an email about christology and kenotic theology
June 23, 2021

Spiritual Benefits From Physical Sickness

Are there spiritual benefits that come from physical sickness?
June 22, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Isaiah 63 Pt 4

We continue our work on Isaiah 63
June 22, 2021

Ted Cruz Calls the Church To Fight A Political Battle

Ted Cruz calls thechurch to fight the woke ideology
June 21, 2021

The Theology Central Apple Podcast Channel

Announcing the Theology Central Apple podcast channel
June 21, 2021

The Bethel Church Series and Leaving a Charismatic Church

A response to an email from a listener
June 21, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Isaiah 63 Pt 3

We continue our study of Isaiah 63
June 21, 2021

Depression and the Christian Pt 1

A look at depression in the life of a christian
June 20, 2021

Christianity ISN'T The Secret To Happiness

Global Study claims atheists are just as happy as those with faith.
June 20, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Isaiah 63 Pt 2

We continue our devotional bible study exercise on Isaiah 63
June 19, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Isaiah 63 Pt 1

We begin a bible study exercise of Isaiah 63
June 19, 2021

Meditation on Death Pt 2

We continue our study of the book, Imitation of Christ
June 19, 2021

The SBC and the Ordaining of Women Pastors

A look at the SBC and the issue of ordaining women for ministry
June 18, 2021

The Church: Tithing and Giving

A look at tithing and giving in the New Testament Church
June 18, 2021

SBC President Ed Litton and the Doctrine of the Trinity

A look at what Ed Litton believes about the doctrine of the Trinity
June 18, 2021

SBC President Ed Litton and Heresy

A look at the new SBC President and the doctrine of the Trinity
June 18, 2021

Is It Important For a Church To Be a Part of a Denomination?

Is It Important For a Church To Be a Part of a Denomination?
June 17, 2021

Salt Light The Church and the Culture

A look at Matthew 5:13 and what it should mean for the church and how it deals with the culture