
July 18, 2021

Judgement and the Punishment of Sinners Pt 2

We continue our study of the book, Imitation of Christ
July 18, 2021

Have We Lost Our Minds?

Has the world lost it's mind?
July 18, 2021

The Procast Podcast App

A Look at the Procast podcast app
July 17, 2021

Pray Away Homosexuality Email

A look at an email I received about the Pray Away Homosexuality episode
July 17, 2021

Christianity is Not an Option

Is the modern form of Christianity so broken that it's no longer even an option?
July 16, 2021

The Bible and Tattoos

A look at the subject of Tattoos
July 16, 2021

The Church of the End Times

What will the church of the end times look like?
July 14, 2021

Gender Pronouns and My Truth

A look at the concept of my truth and my reality
July 14, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Genesis 26:15 Pt 2

How should we interpret Genesis 26:15
July 14, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Psalm 37 Pt 10

We continue our devotional study of Psalm 37
July 14, 2021

Pastors Buying Sermons to Preach

Did JD Greear purchase his sermons?
July 13, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Genesis 26:15

How should we interpret Genesis 26:15?
July 13, 2021

Pray Away Homosexuality

A look at homosexuality, the church, and a new Netflix documentary
July 12, 2021

UFOs Aliens and The Vatican

A look at possible statements made by someone within the catholic church about UFOs and aliens
July 12, 2021

Sermon Plagiarism and Sermons for Sale

A look at sermon plagiarism and pastors selling their sermons for others to preach
July 11, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Psalm 37 Pt 9

We continue our devotional bible study exercise of Psalm 37
July 11, 2021

The New World Religion: UFOs

Are UFOs the new world religion?
July 10, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Psalm 37 Pt 8

We continue with our devotional bible study exercise of Psalm 37
July 9, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Psalm 37 Pt 7

A devotional bible study exercise of Psalm 37
July 9, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: 2 Timothy 4:5

A devotional bible study exercise of 2 Timothy 4:5
July 9, 2021

Ed Litton and Sermon Plagiarism

A look at the controversy about sermon plagiarism and Ed Litton
July 8, 2021

The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

A look at a new podcast.
July 8, 2021

Bible Study Exercise: Acts and Joel Pt 2

A devotional bible study exercise on Joel 2 and Acts 2
July 7, 2021

The Threat of Individualism

A look at the threat of Individualism to Christianity