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Great teaching!
I am glad you did the studies on AI vs Lordship salvation. We need to understand that God did it all, we can not do anything ourselves. Living right is proof of our growth only never our justification.

Great teaching!
I am glad you did the studies on AI vs Lordship salvation. We need to understand that God did it all, we can not do anything ourselves. Living right is proof of our growth only never our justification.

I have been learning from your teaching and enjoying your homey , comfortable style. I have 2 questions: 1) will you share your name so I can quit referring to you as 'that guy' on CT ? 2) when you refer yo the historical lectionary are you speaking of the Anglican lectionary or something different? We use a lectionary in my Orthodox Presbyterian Church but it doesn't match your readings.

Great Podcast
Real and transparent, will cause you to be challenged in your theological beliefs, challenged to study and to think critically about what the Bible actually teaches.

True to the name of the podcast
If you’re looking for a podcast that will provide a wealth of theological teaching and Biblical ideas to meditate on then you definitely want to listen to this one. The Bible studies are in-depth and are a great addition to the other content provided, challenging you to engage and grow spiritually. If you give it a chance, you will be left with much to consider.

Thank you brother!
Very encouraging and humbling at the same time. God is using you!

By far my favorite podcast. Helps me look past my presuppositions and challenges me to think from a biblical prospective

Great All The Way
One of the best out there. Solid all around. Love to listen daily. It's like going to Bible class. So glad to have found this.

True to the name "Theology Central"
A great podcast for all things theology. A place to find podcasts on sermons, current events, church history and all things Christianity with a theological focus. Also a great place to come with complicated questions and share thoughts. I can't recommend this podcast enough!

Beth Moore
Where is the love in your voice? Why are you so angry with Beth Moore and with women in community? Where is your love? Above all love God and love one another. Your anger doesn’t even seem righteous but sarcastic and without love.

Excellent job!
The best source for learning theology I’ve ever found. Thank you Trevor!

Theologically sound
Often challenged, sometimes overwhelmed. This podcast gets you to think about the world we live in from a unique perspective that is rock solid theologically.

Are you swept up in the current tide of thoughts and looking for a place to sort through the information to see what's true, what's a manipulation of the facts, and what's been manufactured (just made-up stuff)? Theology Central is the little cove you're looking for in your pursuit for the truth.

Excellent podcast
This podcast is so refreshing and is a needed voice in this postmodern climate.

Great podcast
Great stuff! Solid biblical podcast!

This podcast makes you think!
I really appreciate this podcast just because of how he isn't afraid to attack difficult subjects from a Christian perspective. He really makes you think deeply about the subject at hand and it's something we need in these times. He also dives deeply into the Bible and the history of Christianity, and that is something Christians need badly these days. I highly recommend this podcast!

This podcast makes you think!
I really enjoy listening to Theology Central, and it's not only because it's Christian based. This podcast really makes you think deeply about issues going on in the world and how to handle it biblically. This podcast is for people who want to dive deeply into biblical theology, church history and how to apply those principles in modern times.

Great podcast
I love christian podcasts not co-opted by politics. This podcast seeks to remind the Church of her identity in an age where the left/right are trying to claim control. God bless you guys.

Excited for this podcast
I was sad when the news in focus program went offline. Looking forward to hearing Trevor’s perspective again!

This pastor gives in-depth teaching. Expect to be challenged! If you are looking for spiritual meat, you have found the right place!

The absolute best at looking at the world through a Biblical lens
I’ve listened to this pastor regularly for over nine years. Expect to be challenged, and expect to THINK. It’s not enough simply to believe something because it’s what you’ve always believed or because others told you to believe it. This podcast will force you to think for yourself, and to do so from a Biblical perspective. They will not allow you to be one of the children mentioned in Ephesians 4:14 - “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”. The host is also very responsive and wants to interact with listeners. If you love the LORD and desire to grow by taking in His word, and also desire to understand current events through a Biblical worldview, I can’t imagine a scenario where you don’t enjoy this podcast and consider it time well spent.

Awesome! Very informative and up to date. Thank you!