(Friday Church News Notes, July 12, 2024,,, 866-295-4143) -
When it comes to politics and every other issue of life, God’s people must exercise a biblical mindset, not a “conservative” mindset. I refuse to be influenced by, or to follow the example of, or be a party with, unsaved “conservatives” who idolatrously live by man’s thinking rather than God’s (Psalm 1:1-3). They know society’s problems, but they don’t know the spiritual fundamentals, and their weapons are carnal rather than spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Those who address symptoms rather than fundamentals aren’t wise and are not ultimately successful. Consider former President Donald Trump. He can’t Make America Great Again, because he doesn’t know what made America great in the first place, and second, he doesn’t have the power to do what would be necessary to Make America Great Again. It would require changing the character of America’s churches. The best that zealous political activity can do is get the Ten Commandments posted in public schools in one state, but what is really needed is for the Bible to be TAUGHT in every school in the entire nation, as it once was, and no amount of politics can bring that to pass. America has been thumbing her nose at God’s holy laws for a long time, and we are convinced that both Biden and Trump are God’s judgments on a wicked nation. There are some wise, moral men who could lead America fairly well, but those men weren’t on the recent debate stage. People say, “I’m voting for a president, not a pastor.” I have said that myself in decades past, but upon further consideration, it is not biblical thinking. God commands me to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and the only proper basis for proving, before God, is to “search the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11). Using this standard, it is impossible to support the idea that morality is secondary to economics, the military, border security, supreme court justices, oil exploration, etc. By all counts, Trump is an arrogant man, which is very much a moral issue. Does it matter? The Bible says, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Apparently arrogance is a fundamental issue of life, including political life. If God’s judgment is on a proud man, what will happen to a nation that elects a spectacularly proud man to its highest office? Could it be that Trump’s legal troubles are not fundamentally a political attack but rather a judgment of God? Could it be that he is not a victim? Trump has defied God’s law of holy matrimony by a playboy lifestyle and multiple divorces, fathering five children by three women. He supports the homosexual rights agenda, as we have documented elsewhere. He supports the murder of unborn children so long as they aren’t too old in the womb. His gross lack of morality has now influenced the entire Republican Party, which is supposed to be very “conservative.” Note this from the Washington Times: “The Republican National Committee took cues from presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday and made a giant step toward passing a party platform that softens its stance on federal abortion limits. The RNC’s platform committee signed off on a Trump-inspired vision that omits the party’s embrace of a human life amendment to the Constitution and a 20-week federal ban on most abortions” (“RNC adopts Trump-inspired platform,” Washington Times, July 8, 2024). What motivates such a thing? Cheap, filthy politics with its love of money and power. God’s people can’t control what the world does, but if Bible-believing churches would spend as much time in serious intercessory prayer and serious Bible study and building holy churches and holy homes and holy children and holy youth and in aggressive evangelism as they do in messing around with politics, sports, vain activities on social media, selfies, empty chatter, etc., THAT would change things. At 74 years old, the Lord’s program for holy, biblically-educated, zealous New Testament churches is what I am focused on like a laser as long as God gives me health, and it is paying wonderful dividends even in this present life and apostate times. I wholeheartedly recommend it. The real answer is in God’s house, not the White House.